Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Lucky Angry Bird 023 Understand former CM Ali Rustam not as good as the current Malacca CM Wee Ka Siong when comes 2 damage publicicon , while pujut Fong has someLim-Teh with friendcompare2Repok

BR1M yang dihantar oleh DAP kebanyakan diluluskan , kerana Mereka M'sia first . BR1M yang dihantar oleh Make China Angry kebanyakan TIDAK diluluskan . M(Chinese)A yang racist , yaya tidak membantu orang Melayu mendapat BR1M , kindly note kami juga tidak membantu kaum kami mendapat BR1M , kerana sesekali tanya mirror miror in the wall , what the % we will get it ( Answer = Zero ) . Jika dia kena marah kerana membantu banyak orang Melayu mendapat BR1M , dia harus beritahu kenapa beberapa orang Cina yang memohon BR1M tidak diluluskan , dan siapa yang sedang memarahinya , orang Cina beragama atau Babi ( bukan Babi , Anjing bukan Anjing ) Cina tidak beragama ????

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

3D AngryBird Book YTDPageview 3 , 9 72
.. JacK is puzzle that DAPagreeBN = wear ing sunglasses , Spectacle is dirtyculture?

Huat The Ugly Fish say does not true Blogger cousin , Murphy Chan co-operate with some Make China Angry send death threat to his neighbours in Ozana ??? Lets Jack Reacher Supporters Rate It . Our Useless MCA president takut anti-3D DPM ( should berani ) told public - stop wearing sunglasses and eye spectacle nnn no need pura-pura friendly with Michelle Yeoh and her F1 husband , then one week later sabotaj her movie again .

Apa pandangan M(Chinese)A Bila Penyokong Liow Tiong Lai dipanggil oleh Liow Tiong Lai sendiri sebagai Anjing ???? a) Mah Sing Group in January 2016 gives free ang pow packet . But most people has campak to tong sampah - due to misunderstanding as the ang pow packet represent movie " Backtrack " b) Then one weeks later , Mah Sing try to promotes in several McDonald Outlet - laughing stock - one of the outlet its promoted eg McDonald Soon Seng Plaza get closed . c) This movie not shown as in 10/March 2016 d) Liow Tiong Lai's supporters give a good example of perpaduan kaum , in certain McDonald Outlet , the staff said " you mata tampal stem , tak nampak in GSC one Utama only ??? " while customer said " You sakit jiwa , sini 1 Utama ??? " to McDonald Staff ......   

a) Question 01 = Can Blogger List The Names in Samsung Donation - Received T60 ??? Answer 01 = Bloggers don't have the name , but YTD can list one of person which gives bloggers RM 10 is Mr ZZZ ............. b) Question 02 = But Mr ZZZ which gives bloggers RM 10 last 6 years , do NOT KNOW bloggers as YTD , it is funny . So do bloggers know Mr ZZZ ??? Answer 02 = During received RM 10 , bloggers cannot remember who is him , although has seen him before . Bloggers still got ask " Why ??? " , He just said " want or don't want ??? " Anyway , as today , bloggers manage to remember who is him . He is bloggers primary school friend's ( Danny Ong ) father which ( already not seen more than 20 years ) = RM10 in 21July2021?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lucky Angry Bird 020 in Chinese SunSui

Huat The Ugly Fish say does not true Blogger's Cousin Murphy Chan has Estimated Commision Outstanding in 1999 ............ = RM 1 , 400 less RM 300 ... ( 14/08/2015 ) = Balance RM 1 , 100 to him . Huat The Ugly Fish say does not true (b) cousin Murphy berani " hijack " blogger's father dead body walaupun belum kenal (b)logger lagi

Year 1999 - Finally meet for 4 days 3 nights ( what is this ??? ) Second Night of Father's Funeral - total collections is about RM 200 plus ... Murphy say ( A ) that bloggers can have it . Third Night of Father's Funeral total collections is about RM 1,400.00 , Murphy and others Anjing Relatives said ( B ) Bloggers Entire Family cannot have it because there is some cost since they in charge it . After three days , bloggers has gone to Murphy house ( he is not around ) and his Mother told me report was not correct as ( C ) RM 500 has actually given to my brothers ( bloggers end relations with him on 03/11/2012 ) . So the RM 500 given to him is definetely not FREE , as another one weeks he ask about Fathers Death Certificate . Blogger's brothers low education level ( fail SPM ) got no such thing know about Death Certificate , besides we didn't need it as Fathers has no any life insurance policy2claim .  Anyway , Bloggers stil go back to public hospital to ask for Death Certificate and cannot get it because there is is still outstanding Hospital Bill ( so how the Anjing manage to take out blogger's father dead body out ??? ) . Anyway , the entire first game is want to show Blogger's cousin Murphy BOLEH and Blogger's TAK BOLEH ...... SO as summary in 01/03/2016 = Estimated Commision Outstanding in 1999 ............ = RM 1 , 400 less RM 300 ... ( 14/08/2015 ) less given to blogger's brothers RM 500.00 ( Year 1999 ) less Advance Orange Money for Murphy Chans Family RM 600 = Wish ADUN Sekinchan can gives his family more in future
Year 2000 - Consider officially 1st meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY
Year 2001 - Consider officially 2nd meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY
Year 2002 - Consider officially 3rd meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY

Blogger's Cousin Murphy said he saw blogger is having seefood ( 48 ) with friends in Ramada Hotel  , but the true he is not at there ....... Year 2002

Year 2003 - Consider officially 4th meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY
Year 2004 - Consider officially 5th meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY
Year 2005 - Consider officially 6th meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY
Year 2006 - Consider officially 7th meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY
Year 2007 - Consider officially 8th meet - Bloggers visit his house during CNY

Each year has more than 200 supporters visit his old CNY house , but in his new house , bloggers is the only VISIT him ( base on food quantity prepared by him ) . Anyway has no relations why Make China Angry can only win 15 MP seats in GE12

Year 2008 - Consider as 9th meet - Bloggers visit his new house during CNY ( Last Visit )

After that , bloggers STOP visiting him although cannot confirm his cousin co-operate with some Make China Angry send death threat to his neighbours in Ozana ??? Ozana has 2 group of residents - The A only enjoy general security , while group B ( his cousin Murphy Chan ) enjoy general and 2nd level security . Anyway , there is some Malay newspaper has publish a few problem in Ozana ( including some movie by Zac Afron ) . Anyway has no relations why Make China Angry can only win 7 MP seats in GE13 . Before 2nd meeting with bloggers cousin for RM 3,000 , he generally has send some soft threats to bloggers .  After meet him , finally confirm his TRUE COLOR